The Ranking Machine

Himanshu Sharma

SEO Consultant in Gurgaon

SEO Consultant & Trainer

They call me The Ranking Machine™ for a Reason!

You can talk to me about Search Engine Optimization & how it can give wings to your Online Business.

A Little About Me

"Keyword Stuffing" Free Introduction For The Ranking Machine™

My Journey into Blogging and Search Engine Optimization started when I was just 16 years old, In the year 2013. I have learned those Digital Marketing & SEO Strategies and Techniques on My own while experimenting with blogs and websites.

These experiments helped me to gain real experience about SEO that is required. Cramming up things won’t actually works in Marketing a product or service to the live audience.

I can use my self learned skills to help you with your Search Engine Optimization goals and reach higher rankings on Search Engines.

While I’ll surely apply all the things from my own knowledge, which would most probably help you in Your Growth. I’d also query into my network and connect with a lot of successful SEO Specialists to see what is working for them and then share the knowledge with you in a way that it helps you.

Whether it is in form of Articles, ebooks, courses and other resources, I want to provide the best Blogging & SEO Resources for your Business. And as i said i will keep this introduction Keyword Free, i have kept my promise.

My keyword was “SEO Consultant in Gurgaon” and i have ignored to use this in the introduction. Impressive, Isn’t it?

The Ranking Mcahine's Backlinks Mastery Guide

Backlinks Mastery Guide

Learn The Process to Create High Quality Backlinks With Step by Step Methods With My eBook.

What The Ranking Machine™ Loves Doing

Website Analyzing

Analyzing Your Website For Things That Are Restricting Your Growth.

SEO Audit

Auditing Your Websites With Respect to The Latest Search Engine Guidelines.

WordPress Setup

Setting Up WordPress Website From Scratch In Best Way Possible.

Social Media

Optimizing Social Media Channels for a Targeted Growth for your Business.

Content Marketing

Creating Strategy For Your Content Marketing Campaigns.

Anything Else?

You Can Contact The Ranking Machine For Any Specific Service Requirement.

Looking For Some Testimonials?

Frequently Asked Questions

So many people are using Search Engines to find out products and services. An SEO Consultant can help you in reaching you to your targeted audience and this way you can scale your business.

Although I am currently providing SEO Consultation Services in Gurgaon but you can query me for other cities as well. Basic strategies remain same no matter where you have settled your Business.

If someone is telling you that He/She would get you guaranteed results on Google then please stay away from them. SEO is a process and their is No guarantee for the results. But however you could be sure to get better results as i focus more on optimizing websites for long term benefits.

The time to get results depend on your niche and it varies from industry to industry. Also the time to get results depends on the competition on the keyword that you have selected to focus. A keyword for Gurgaon might be hard and the same keyword in other locations might be easier.

The term ‘Better’ is relative and differs from person to person. When you want best results from your business you would have to focus on all the ways including Search Engine and Paid Ads too. Both SEO Services and Paid Ads are needed for building a brand out of business in Gurgaon.